Friday, March 9, 2012

Week one-Finished!

(I was out of town for a week, if you've wondered why this is my first week to get the ball rolling, so I did not get to officially start till March 5th)
I made it! Week one is OVER and I've never felt so excited about something in my life. I did not think I could finish my WODs (work out of the day) and I did not think my form would get better, but I did and it has. It has been a fun first week, but also pretty exhausting. Along with slinging coffee at your south Tyler Starbucks, my busy personal life, and now adding Crossfit in the mix, I've had to learn how to discipline myself and find time to go every day this week. Amy (my Crossfit coach) pushes me and encourages me every step of the way, and the other Crossfitters in my classes  did too and that motivated me even more. The comradery at this place is remarkable and I think anyone who is insecure about working out, like I was (I say was, because I'm starting to get over it), would love a place like this because people are so supportive. There were a few times I felt discouraged because I was not at the same level as everyone else, but at the end of the day, I had to pat myself on the back and remind myself that I'm starting somewhere and that is all that matters. I'm not where I want to be and I am not where I was. If I continue going like I have been, I can only imagine where I'll be in a few months. There were a few things I did not think I would be able to physically do, because I know I'm pretty weak,  but I surprised myself multiple times this week. The first day I had to jump rope, I could not believe I could not do it. I mean HOW out of shape have I gotten to where I could efficiently jump rope? The next time it was in my WOD, I got it down, but now I need to work on my double unders. I'm thinking the lack of coordination has something to do with it too, so I'm hoping with a little practice, I'll have it down. I have noticed through this program that my posture is terrible, just terrible. I was straining my body in everything I was doing, but every time Amy corrected me, I tried my best to get it down right, but I still kept on slipping up. After my work out yesterday, I noticed myself forcing myself to have straight posture, because I know it is so important in what I'm doing and life in general, so I am constantly pushing myself to sit tall with shoulders back.
I cannot say how much I love that Crossfit can be scaled for your body type. It is the best program I have ever been involved in. I sweat and sweat, but when I look back at this past week and what I've accomplished, it was all worth it. I can't wait till next week.
I seriously give all credit to God for giving me the strength to do this. I am doing this to glorify Him and I pray that He is being seen through this process, because I cannot do it without His strength and leading. I will probably say this every week, but I am so thankful for Amy because she is taking time out to work with me and push me to the next level every time and that just rules. Also, the rest of Crossfit South Tyler because they all inspire me to keep on pushing and going after it. They are beasts and kicking butt and I aspire to be like them someday. 

Me with Amy after I got my butt kicked after Thursday's WOD.

This is the face of a very excited young lady after completing her first week of Crossfit.
Also, my first blister that I am so proud of. No pain, no gain, right?

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